
Publicado em 28 de jan de 2016. O novo boletim divulgado nesta quarta-feira (27) aponta também que 270 casos já tiveram confirmação de microcefalia, sendo que 6 com relação ao vírus Zika. Outros 462 casos notificados já foram descartados. Ao todo, 4.180 casos suspeitos de microcefalia foram registrados até 23 de janeiro.

In Interim Results from Phase 3 Study, Merck's Investigational Ebola Vaccine Efficacious; Study is Continuing

In Interim Results from Phase 3 Study, Merck’s Investigational Ebola Vaccine Efficacious; Study is Continuing

Global Collaboration Enabled Vaccine to Move from First-in-Human Studies to Initial Phase 3 Results Within One Year

KENILWORTH, N.J., July 31, 2015 -- Merck (known as MSD outside the US and Canada) said today that its investigational Ebola vaccine candidate, rVSV-ZEBOV, was found to have 100 percent efficacy in an analysis of interim data from a Phase 3 ring vaccination trial in Guinea.

Preliminary conclusions from this study, which is continuing, were published on-line today in The Lancet.

The authors report that vaccine efficacy was 100 percent (95% confidence interval: 74.7 - 100%; p=0.0036) following vaccination with a single dose of the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine. It appeared that all vaccinated individuals were protected against Ebola virus infection within 6 to 10 days of vaccination.


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